Friday, January 16, 2009

2 Months Old

The twins are now 2 months old. We will actually find out how big they are next week at their 2 months appointment. They start getting their shots then-so not ready for that! We found out that Lucianna is lactose intolerant. That was after a week and a half of screaming fits all day and night. But all is better now and back to normal. And I was told that Eli is eating too much. He is a bit chunky but he's not easily satisfied by what he gets. Sometimes he wants more and he will fuss until he gets it! I guess the doc thinks he's gaining weight too fast? Oh well, I'll give Eli whatever amount he wants and can handle if it makes him happy and keeps him from screaming! You'd be surprised how loud he can be!

1 comment:

The Raymond Gang said...

I can't believe it's been TWO months already!! Wow! How time flies! Don't worry about shots - you'll be surprised how resilient kids can be and how fast they forget with the comfort of a hug from mom! You'll probably have a harder time than they will! Thinking of you always! Love to you all!

Amanda, Olivia and Colvin