Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treating

Wow what fun! Luci dressed up like a leopard princess. She kept her ears on long enough for a picture. But she did let me paint her nose pink and put whiskers on her cheek. Eli was originally going to be Elmo but he was terrified of the costume. So he ended being Superman. He let me paint the Superman "S" on his cheek. At the first house Luci wanted her candy right away so I told her that we were going to go and get more. A minor tantrum and then she caught on quickly! At the second house Eli tried giving the homeowner the candy from the first house. But after that he caught on too! Eli had the most fun. He was right up front holding out his basket saying something that resembled "trick or treat". Then he would say "thank you" and "bye". Luci got up there too but not quite as fast as Eli. She also used her manners (which we have been pushing pleases and thank you's pretty hard lately). They were really cute and it was so much fun.


The Leopard Princess

1 comment:

Steve said...

I'll bet this was fun. Would have like to have been there!!!!!!!