Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Update

This week is #31. Yesterday both babies have turned head down and the doc thinks they will be pretty much locked into this position. My stomach has dropped quite a bit which has made breathing much easier! Measurements of the twins estimate their weight to be 4 pounds. They are also measuring 1 1/2 weeks ahead of their real age, which is good in case they don't quite make it to 34 weeks. At an average of a 1/2 pound per week they should be 5 pounds by Nov. That puts them at a safer birth weight and also puts them at 34 weeks. This minimizes their chances of having to stay in the hospital. They still are moving alot! We are predicting the next 2-4 weeks and they will be here! We are pretty much ready. The first crib is together and we just got our car seats. Just getting a couple more necessities here and there.

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