Wednesday, September 3, 2008

4D Ultrasound

Yesterday we had a 4D ultrasound. It was very neat to see the babies. Elijah of course cooperated and showed his face. We had already predicted Lucy would be stubborn and not show hers since she hasn't on any other ultrasound. Mom says she is determined to keep it a surprise! Elijah's picture is the top one. You can see him really well, his eyes, nose and cheeks. His arm is floating in front. If we had waited a couple more weeks there would have been a lot more definition but we also may not have been able to see anything since they would be so cramped in there. The 2 pictures we posted of Lucy are the best of her. Kind of a profile shot, one has the umbilical cord in the way and the other an arm. The pic on the right she started to turn and stopped. Dan is more and more convinced she's going to be like me-stubborn! Even though we couldn't get a great shot of Lucy, the visit was worth it. You could see arms and legs everywhere!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are amazing!!! And I thought Sea Monkeys were mind blowing!!! Congratulations on these two wonderful gifts!

nayra said...

Carrie isn't stubborn. She is just a little excessively determined and happens to be right most of the time. Lucy is a lucky girl to take after such a wonderful lady and friend.