Found this toy on one of my yard sale expeditions. It plays alot of music, changes songs when they push the buttons, and all the stars light up. I thought they would love standing at it. They did! If you put them side by side after awhile they start trying to push each other out of the way. Very cute.
Both are fighting colds right now. Luci actually spiked a fever today of 102.5 but hasn't shown any other signs of illness. She has clear snot but she is also cutting a new tooth. Doc said they were comfortable giving her until tomorrow to see how she does. Gave her Tylenol and now her temp is normal. Elijah has a little cough and the same clear snot but no fever.
Halloween is this weekend. We are going over to a friend's house for Mexican food and then trick or treating. Should be fun. Lance and Gail and the kids are coming down for the weekend. Amber is dressing up so she can take the twins to the doors. Hhhhmmm...since they can't have candy I wonder who gets it?? Yummy!